What a year this has been!?! Now, on the surface it has been pretty normal. Work, school, and church. Church, school and work. School work, Church work and Job work. Work, work, work. Busy, busy, busy. But what have I accomplished. Not much of anything. Where is the passion? Where is the joy? Oh Lord, it is laying in the tomb. What must I do get the fire back? What must I do to stir up the gifts that are bubbling over inside of me? Oh to restore the passion. Oh to restore the joy. I’ve got to drop the dead weight.
Easier said than done when you are operating in your strength and not leaning on the Lord. Easier said than done when you are not listening to the Lord and doing what it is that you choose to do. Worse yet, you are listening to the Lord and clearly heard what the Father said. Yep, he said, “Wait”. “And while you wait, I want to you to do this and do that”. I’m tired Lord. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of working. Tired of church work, school work and job work. I have been doing the same thing forever it seems and I is TI-RED. Lord, I want to do something new. I want to do something different.
Well, I was positioned for a transition. The Lord said “…forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NLT). Well, I was too impatient to wait on the something new and something different promised by the Lord. I was manufacturing “excitement” in my personal life because my church life, my school life and my work life was just dry and mundane. Boring, dull, and dead and I was not trying to wait for the Lord to create any rivers in the dry wasteland.
Why was I so bored? Some time ago the Lord told me to move. God gave me the “what” but because he didn’t give immediate clarity on the where, when, how and whyinstead of me waiting patiently until I received further instructions, I waited anxiously and started trying to locate a “who”. I got on Match.com, BlackPeopleMeet.com AND Plenty of Fish looking for something new and different. Let me tell you, on-line might work for some, but I don’t think it is for me. I was more frustrated and wrecking havoc in my life and those in my circle.
See, the Lord informed me through the oracle of my pastor that a shift was coming and I needed to prepare for it. He said, “In a shift you don’t get all the information. You walk according to the instructions you have. Stop worrying about what other folks are doing or not doing. Stop worrying about what they are saying to you or about you. Stay in your lane. Your promotion; your breakthrough is in your lane. Stay in your lane and be ready for the shift”.
Wow! Stay in MY lane and focus on what the Lord is calling me do. The Father said move but the Potter has to prepare me internally – heart work – for the shift that will take place spiritually and the move that will take place physically. I have to move in obedience in the spirit before I can advance forward physically in the natural to new and different things. Not new and different things that I can do in my own strength, because that doesn’t require God. I’m talking about the stuff mentioned earlier in Isaiah 43 and the stuff in Ephesians 3:20 that my mind does not even know to think. My lane was all about being still and knowing and not moving until God says go. “Wait I say on the Lord and renew your strength…” (Isaiah 40:31 NKJV). “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14 NLT). The Creator said wait loud and clear. I heard him but I was being hard headed doing what I wanted to do.
But you know what they say, “A hard head makes a soft behind”. Well, my tail may not be hurting physically but emotionally. Whew, I have been on a major rollercoaster ride. Praise God the ride has come to an end and God has clearly said, “Don’t make me have to do this again!” (Yeah, another message from God’s oracle). The passion is coming back. My joy is being restored. See, I’m writing again. My focus never totally left the Lord. I took a few breaks but every time I was quickly reigned back to my lane. The length of my detours have gotten shorter and shorter. See you learn as you go. You have to be completely committed to your Creator if you are going to be creative. I am a writer. A published author no less. God is calling me to use my gift with the pen (and keyboard) to spread the gospel; to take a stand for social justice.
I cannot (and neither can you) get weary in well doing. In due season we will reap if we faint not (Galatians 6:9). Work while it is day because night is coming when no man or woman can work (John 9:4). Boredom, dullness, dryness, etc. is a trick of the enemy to get you off your game. Don’t fall for the okie doke. Drink you some water and keep it moving. Draw near!!! (Hebrews 10:22 CEV)
Yes, I’ve looked at it from all angles. I’ve prepared for the shift. No more time for church work…time for ministry. No more time for school work…let’s apply some of this knowledge I have obtained. No more time for work work…wait a minute, I do have to eat. Let’s not rush this thing. My current employment is my resource provided by the Source so I will stay until the Gentle Whisper says go.
If your flame is fading; if your joy has lost its sparkle and you want it restored, you’ve got to drop the dead weight and leave it in the tomb. Then get up. Don’t lay there with your dead stuff. Don’t let any rocks cry out for you. If you don’t want to take my word for data, listen to the Lord because he does not bluff. Drop the dead weight and cast your cares on Jesus, the one who will never leave you nor forsake. I promise if you choose to live your life for Jesus, the Comforter will provide all the excitement you need. Just look back over your life and “put a praise on it!” God is indeed doing a new thing! Do you see it!?!
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