Books by Joy W. Yancy
Latest Book:
Journey of Love: Devotions from the Heart
Have you found yourself facing overwhelming circumstances in life? Situations that challenge your relationships with your family, spouse, children, coworkers, friends and the list goes on? You should know that you are not alone. We all experience difficult times on this journey called life. The question is when difficulty surfaces, how do you respond? The answer: love. Yes, love. I am not talking about a “feeling” that happens to a person. I am talking about agape which is “the highest form of love, charity”.
50 Day Journey of Joy Devotional Journal
Life is not about the destination but the journey. It is not about reaching certain milestones, but the pit stops and detours along the way. This is true not only for me but for us all. A pit stop is a place to rest, refuel and refresh. To maximize the life the Creator has given you, a pit stop every now and then is required. Sometimes a detour; an alternate route is necessary to get where you are going. Instead of complaining or asking, “Why me Lord?” enjoy the journey. Remember, it is not the “to” but the “of”. To is a preposition meaning toward, near or in the direction of something, namely a destination or a goal. Of is a preposition with the core purpose of introducing a noun or noun phrase that provides more information about a preceding word or phrase. Each devotion in 50 Day Journey of Joy opens with a scripture containing a “joy” word or phrase. The scripture and the devotion to follow provide more information about the journey – the valley lows and mountain highs. As you read be encouraged knowing while weeping may endure for a night, joy will come in the morning. Every day will not be sunny but because the joy of the Lord is your strength you can count it all joy. Remember it is not the “to” but the “of” so rejoice all along the journey. Again, I say rejoice!
Journey to SonRise: Lent Devotional Prayer Journal
Are you ready to embark on the Journey to SonRise? This Lent devotional prayer journal is a process of reflection, renewal and (re)commitment from Ash Wednesday to Resurrection Sunday. Complete the daily prayers with your personal requests and desires to be more like Christ. The daily practice will equip you for the journey called life.
Moving Forward: Daily Devotions for the Journey
Life is a journey. Moving Forward is a daily devotional with devotions to inspire you to move forward to your God-given purpose as you travel on life’s journey.
Deliverance Is Available to You: Motivation to Move Forward
Deliverance Is Available To You opens with a powerful testimony of deliverance followed by a process for deliverance based on the acronym D.A.N.C.E. Deliverance is available when you are dedicated to Christ, choose to live an avid, active life, are nourished by spiritual disciplines, care for your soul and are evidently transparent. I do D.A.N.C.E., and I pray that as you read this book these steps will renew your spirit and give you strength to overcome whatever season you are walking through. Trust and believe that better is coming. Walk into your season. Deliverance is available to you.