When I kept things to myself, I felt weak deep inside me. – Psalm 32:3 NCV
Confessed sin is so refreshing. I woke up one morning feeling free. I was actively disobedient over a repeat issue for a few months. Although my flesh was done, my mind was still tormented. I had not repented and given it over to Jesus. Once I said, “Yes Lord, I will do what you say”, I was released from the torment. I was able to move forward and complete the work with which Elohim has tasked me.
I read a devotional by Max Lucado that said whether a sin is too small to be mentioned or too big to be forgiven is not for us to decide. Our task is to be honest and surrender our worries to God. The German word for worry means “to strangle”. The Greek word means “to divide the mind”. Worry is a noose on the neck and a distraction of the mind. Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell God all about it and get your strength back.
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