I have been awake since before 4:00 a.m.
There is a lot on my mind
I finally got up out of bed
The call to intercede is weighing on me

God what are you calling us Christians to do?
What are you calling me to?
As I read an excerpt from Cornell West’s Prophetic Fragments 
it is clear that the “widespread accommodation of American religion to
the political and cultural status quo” has severely dampened my prophetic fervor.

But God…
God is covering me; Mother Earth is covering all of her people
The Creator’s hands of protection are all around me.
God gives me his shield of victory and his right hand sustains me;
God stoops down to make me great.

God I ask that you guide your people’s feet as we run this race
because we do not want to run in vain.
The Spirit of you that is in me…continue to press against her.

There is a shaking in my spirit.
There is a beating in my spirit.
There is a pressing in my spirit.
Prepare me; prepare your people for greater so that we will be
passionate about working the work of him that has sent us
while it is day because night is coming when no man, woman or child can work.

God what are you calling your people to do?
What are you calling us Christians to do?
What are you calling to me do?

God is calling us to faint not.

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